The project is expected to take place in mid-September.
News and Events
Indoor Mask Requirement Starting August 13
State requirement to wear masks indoors starting August 13.
Cooling Centers To Help With Heat
Our area is once again expecting hot weather. Below is information regarding cooling centers and other places to stay cool through Saturday. Note that there are two pet-friendly locations at St. Anthony’s Church in Tigard and the Hillsboro Civic Center.
Also, please check on your neighbors, especially older adults, homebound or anyone with underlying health conditions.
Hero-Up 5K and Kids Race Through Park
9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Runners start in Cook Park, enter Durham Park and run around the dog park and around the north loop trail before returning into Cook Park.
Summer 2021 – City Newsletter
Ladybug Run Through Park
5 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Runners start in Cook Park, enter Durham Park and run around the dog park and down to the north loop trail before returning into Cook Park.
Statement on Fireworks from our Fire Department
With record breaking weather and drought in 2021, TVF&R is urging people to not use fireworks this year. Please attend a public display, watch fireworks on television, or just celebrate with friends and family without fireworks.
Washington County residents urged to restrict use of fireworks
Warm weather, dry conditions and fireworks could be a recipe for dangerous fire conditions this 4th of July. Please do your part to be safe and consider new traditions for celebrating the holiday.
Washington County residents urged to restrict use of fireworks
Following record-breaking extreme heat and in light of current widespread drought conditions, the Washington County Board of Commissioners joins with local fire and law enforcement officials in urging all community residents to forego the unsafe use of fireworks to celebrate the Fourth of July this year. The public is encouraged to voluntarily restrict the use of any fireworks, even those that are considered legal in the state of Oregon.
As stated by Board Chair Kathryn Harrington, “We understand that Independence Day has special meaning to many people this year as we finally emerge from statewide COVID restrictions. What we’re asking is that everyone consider the great harm and suffering that could occur with even one unintentional fire caused by fireworks during this holiday season. The risk is just too great and we’re pleading with people to consider other ways of celebrating like a backyard gathering, trip to Hagg Lake or even attending a professional fireworks display that has been permitted for safety.”
The County is working collaboratively with emergency responders to send a strong message that our community has suffered enough in the past year under the weight of the coronavirus pandemic, September wildfires and extreme weather conditions. The public is also asked to be mindful of the strain imposed on our public safety system due to the use of fireworks. Please do not call 9-1-1 to report fireworks use! It is very important that our 9-1-1 system remain available for reporting only active fires, serious medical problems and crimes in progress. To report the use of illegal fireworks—those that explode or fly into the air—please call non-emergency dispatch at 503-629-0111 and be prepared to provide the address location.
Se insta a los residentes del condado de Washington a restringir el uso de fuegos artificiales
Después de un calor extremo sin precedentes y a la luz de las actuales condiciones de sequía generalizada, la Junta de Comisionados del Condado de Washington se une a los funcionarios locales de bomberos y de aplicación de la ley para que renuncien al uso inseguro de fuegos artificiales para celebrar el Cuatro de Julio de este año. Se anima alpúblico a restringir voluntariamente el uso de cualquier fuego artificial, incluso aquellos que se consideran legales en el estado de Oregón.
Como declaró la presidenta de la Junta, Kathryn Harrington,”Entendemos que el Día de la Independencia tiene un significado especial para muchas personas este año, ya que finalmente salimos de las restricciones de COVID en todo el estado. Lo que pedimos es que todos consideren el gran daño y sufrimiento que podría ocurrir con incluso un incendio involuntario causado por fuegos artificiales durante esta temporada de vacaciones. El riesgo es demasiado grande y estamos suplicando a la gente que considere otras formas de celebrar, como una reunión en el patio trasero, un viaje a Hagg Lake o incluso asistir a un espectáculo profesional de fuegos artificiales que se ha permitido por seguridad.”
El Condado está trabajando en colaboración con los servicios de emergencia para enviar un fuerte mensaje de que nuestra comunidad ha sufrido lo suficiente en el último año bajo el peso de la pandemia de coronavirus, los incendios forestales de septiembre y las condiciones climáticas extremas. También se pide al público que sea consciente de la presión impuesta a nuestro sistema de seguridad pública debido al uso de fuegos artificiales. Por favor, no llame al 9-1-1 para informar sobre el uso de fuegos artificiales! Es muy importante que nuestrosistema 9-1-1 permanezca disponible para reportar solo incendios activos, problemas médicos graves y delitos en curso. Para reportar el uso de fuegos artificiales ilegales, aquellos que explotan o vuelan en el aire, llame al despacho que no sea de emergencia al 503-629-0111 y prepárese para proporcionar la ubicación de la dirección.
This media release is also available at: and
Tips For Keeping Your Pets Safe During The Heat
Tips for keeping your pets safe during this weekend’s extreme heat
With our region bracing for a record-breaking heatwave this weekend, Washington County Animal Services is sharing resources and tips for community members to keep their pets safe and healthy.
The safest thing for your pets is to leave them at home. If you must take your pet with you, never leave them in a hot vehicle. Car interiors can reach deadly temperatures in a matter of minutes even with the windows cracked. If you see an animal in a hot car, call for help. During Washington County Animal Services’ regular hours of Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., call the shelter at 503-846-7041 to report an animal in a hot car. For all other times, call the police or 911 if the animal is in obvious distress. Animal Services and law enforcement officers have the legal authority and won’t hesitate to break into a car if an animal’s life is in immediate danger.
If you have a pet and need a place to stay cool, the Wingspan Event and Conference Center, located at 801 NE 34th Avenue in Hillsboro, will be open as a pet-friendly cooling center Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. Be sure to bring your pet in a crate, along with a collar, leash, ID tags, comfort items, food and bowls. Water will be available.
The Bonnie Hays Animal Shelter provides care for stray dogs. If you see a lost dog roaming around in the heat, call Animal Services for assistance. Outside of the shelter’s normal business hours, call Washington County non-emergency dispatch at 503-629-0111. The dog will then be brought to the safe, air-conditioned shelter where Animal Services staff will work to reunite it with its owner.
Tips for Keeping Your Pet Safe When It’s Hot:
- Consider your pet’s individual needs. Some pets are especially at risk. Persian cats and dogs with flat faces such as pugs, bulldogs and boxers don’t handle heat very well. Older pets, overweight pets and those with medical issues also have trouble on hot days. Even a short walk or too much sun can result in a medical emergency.
- Don’t walk your dog in the heat of the day. In addition to the danger of heat stroke, hot sidewalks and asphalt can burn the bottom of your pet’s paws. If you must take your dog for a mid-day potty break, walk them on grass or dirt. You can test the surface you are walking on by placing your palm on it for a few seconds. If it is uncomfortable for you, then it is too hot for your dog’s feet. You can test the temperature of the ground by pressing your palm against it for a few seconds. If it is uncomfortable for you, then it is too hot for your dog’s feet.
- Call your own veterinarian or a 24-hour emergency vet right away if you think your pet has become overheated, even if your pet appears to be okay after cooling back down. Internal organs can be affected, and your animal could have secondary effects from the exposure.
- Keep all your animals in the coolest place available. Bring pets inside where temperatures are lower. Ensure that livestock have plenty of cool water and shade. Consider fans or other cooling devices for barns and stables.
The Bonnie Hays Animal Shelter is located at 1901 SE 24th Avenue in Hillsboro.
This media release is available at:
Excessive Heat Warning For Our Area
Temperatures likely to break records this weekend – Washington County offers resources for staying safe and healthy
The National Weather Service has issued an Excessive Heat Warning for our area. The Warning is in effect from 10 a.m. Saturday through 11 p.m. Monday. Dangerously hot afternoon high temperatures of 98°F to 103°F with some local areas experiencing 103°F to 108°F are expected Saturday through Monday.
According to the Portland office of the National Weather Service, high temperatures will run 20-30 degrees above normal for late June. Overnight lows will also be unseasonably warm, limiting the amount of relief from the heat and contributing to increased risk of heat-related illnesses.
Community members are urged to check in with family, friends and neighbors, especially older adults and people with chronic medical problems, as they are more vulnerable to heat-related illness. Older adults who need transportation to a cooling center or other assistance can call the Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) at 503-846-3060 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Or visit ADRC’s website.
If you don’t have air conditioning at home, try to spend as much time as you can where air conditioning is used. Some options for community members include:
- Wingspan Event and Conference Center, located at 801 NE 34th Avenue in Hillsboro, will be open as a cooling center Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. This is a pet-friendly location. Be sure to bring your pet in a crate, along with collar, leash, ID tags, comfort items, food and bowls. Water will be available.
- The Beaverton City Library will open their Cathy Stanton Meeting Room as a cooling center Saturday and Sunday from 6-8 p.m. and Monday from 7-9 p.m.
- Some other county libraries are open as well. Visit Washington County Cooperative Library Services website for hours of operation.
- Boys & Girls Aid Safe Place for Youth is open 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. for anyone ages 12-20. The organization is located at 454 SE Washington Street in Hillsboro and has air conditioning, food, cold water, showers and recreational activities. The site allows up to three drop-in youth at one time to allow for safe physical distancing. Masks must be worn except when eating in the dining area.
- Indoor shopping malls are a good place to stay cool, as are movie theaters and other indoor entertainment and dining establishments. Call ahead or look online to see what restrictions are in place due to COVID-19.
- cooling center map
In addition to staying in air-conditioned locations as much as possible, community members are also urged to:
- Avoid using fans as your primary cooling device especially when it gets extremely hot inside. Instead, mist yourself with a spray bottle, and then use the fan to get the cooling benefits of evaporation. Disability, Aging and Veteran Services has a limited supply of free electric fans for individuals ages 60 and up in Washington County. Call 503-846-3060.
- Drink plenty of fluids even if you don’t feel thirsty. Water is best. Limit sugary drinks, caffeine and alcohol.
- Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing and sunscreen.
- Exercise in the early morning when it’s cooler.
- Avoid strenuous activity in the heat of the day.
- Take cool showers or baths.
- Close your blinds and curtains to keep sunlight out.
- Keep an eye on the temperature, and open your windows late at night or first thing in the morning to let some cooler air in. Then close up again to keep the cooler air inside.
- Get a baby pool or play in a sprinkler. Many splash pads and spraygrounds that offer relief from the heat are not operating due to the chlorine shortage currently impacting the region. Check this website for locations and to see which ones might be operating.
- Avoid using your stove/oven or doing laundry.
- Eat small, light meals.
- Never leave children or pets in cars.
- Wear a lifejacket and take other safety precautions in rivers and lakes. More information on water safety is available on the Red Cross webpage.
Heat-related illness can be extremely dangerous, even deadly. Visit to learn about signs, symptoms and treatment.
Washington County will post any urgent updates at
Win Lottery Prizes and Scholarships for COVID-19 Vaccination
Washington County announces additional lottery prizes and scholarships for community members who get the COVID-19 vaccination
If you live in Washington County and get vaccinated by June 27, your chances of winning a lottery prize or college scholarship in the “Take Your Shot, Oregon” campaign just got better.
Washington County community members who receive their first dose of Pfizer of Moderna or the one-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccination by June 27 are eligible for these special prizes:
- Ten $10,000 lottery prizes for those 18 and older
- Five $20,000 college scholarships for those ages 12-17
The drawing for these prizes will take place on June 28 along with the other Oregon Lottery prizes previously announced:
- One grand prize of $1 million to an Oregon adult
- 36 $10,000 prizes, one in each county
- Five $100,000 college scholarships for those ages 12-17
“The ‘Take Your Shot, Oregon’ campaign is a great way to acknowledge everyone who has taken the important step of getting vaccinated. In the end, vaccination is making us all winners for protecting ourselves, our families and our community,” said Kathryn Harrington, chair of the Washington County Board of Commissioners.
Washington County Public Health and Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center are partnering with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on a vaccination event taking place today through July 2. The mobile vaccination unit will be located on the Tektronix campus in Beaverton. Both Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson will be available. Hours of operation and other details are available at
Additional vaccination opportunities can be found at
For more information about the “Take Your Shot, Oregon” campaign, visit
This media release is available at:
This media release is available in Spanish at:
Water Customers Asked To Reduce Water Usage
For Immediate Release
June 17, 2021
Lake Oswego Phone: 503-635-0257 Tigard Phone: 503-718-2870
LAKE OSWEGO and TIGARD, Oregon – City officials are requesting City of Lake Oswego and Tigard Water Service Area customers to conserve and reduce their water usage. A critical chlorine supply issue has recently created a shortage for west coast and Oregon utilities. Our water treatment method uses chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) in very small amounts to ensure our water is safe to drink. The chlorine shortage in our area is caused by an equipment failure at a chlorine manufacturing facility on the West Coast.
Lake Oswego and Tigard’s tap water remains safe to drink.
Staff have implemented measures to extend chlorine supply, while also ensuring that the water remains safe to drink.
We ask for the cooperation of customers to voluntarily reduce their indoor and outdoor water usage. These actions will help extend our existing supply of chlorine, reduce the strain on the supply chain, preserve water for domestic use, and ensure water reserves continue to meet emergency response needs. Conserving voluntarily now, will help minimize potential mandatory conservation.
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These voluntary usage reductions will remain in place until the chain of supply for sodium hypochlorite has been reestablished.
To get the chlorine supply we need, the cities of Lake Oswego and Tigard are working directly with other water utilities, the Oregon Governor’s Office, Oregon Emergency Management, Oregon Health Authority, Department of Environmental Quality, and the Oregon Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network and federal authorities.
We will keep the Lake Oswego and Tigard communities and water customers informed of the situation and any further actions needed. To stay up to date, visit or
For additional conservation tips visit or
How to limit your water usage:
- Reduce all non-essential water use – except as necessary for public health and safety
- Eliminate known leaks inside and outside
- Take shorter showers
- Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving
- Limit running the dishwasher or washing machine – if you have to run it, ensure it is full
- If you wash dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running
- Postpone new plantings
- Wash your vehicles at a car wash facility
Drive up vaccines without appointments available May 8 and May 9
OHSU’s COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Site at the Portland International Airport Red Economy Parking Lot will pilot a “drive-up” event this weekend where individuals will be able to get vaccinated without an appointment.
Oregonians who do not already have an appointment can get a free vaccination at the PDX Red Economy Lot between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday, May 8, and between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Sunday, May 9.
Although OHSU continues to schedule thousands of new vaccination appointments each week, we are organizing this pilot drive-up event at PDX to increase vaccine access for Oregonians. We hope this event will reduce barriers to vaccination and help Oregonians who may find it difficult to make an appointment or commit to being vaccinated at a specific day or time.
Oregonians who can schedule their vaccination ahead of time are still encouraged to do so by booking appointments online at the OHSU COVID-19 Vaccines website. Those without internet access or who need extra help can call 833-647-8222.
More information on what to expect at the PDX vaccination site is also available at the above-mentioned website. As with all vaccination appointments, OHSU asks drive-up patients to bring an insurance card if they have one, although insurance coverage is not required and patients will not be billed.
Public Notice for Budget Hearing
Notice of Budget Committee Meeting
A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the City of Durham, Washington County, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 will be held via Zoom (a virtual meeting platform) on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the public on the budget. As per ORS 221.770, the anticipated uses of State Revenue Sharing funds will also be discussed
The First Notice of the meeting was published in The Times on April 8, 2021. A copy of the budget document is available for public viewing. Please email [email protected] if you wish to view it.
This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Committee. If you wish to attend the meeting, please email [email protected] prior to 4:30 p.m. on April 23. If you wish to submit anything to be considered at the budget meeting, please email the submission to [email protected] by 4:30 p.m. on April 23.
Spring 2021 – City Newsletter
ShakeAlert was activated in Oregon
Information about ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System can be found here.
Durham is in “Lower Risk” category as of May 21
Washington County moves to “Lower Risk” on Friday, May 21. County website explains the move here.
Oregon Health Authority has this document that explains what it means to be in each of the risk categories.
Although essential functions are still being provided at City Hall, staff is taking actions to limit person-to-person appearances. City Hall is closed to the public. The public is urged to access city services through telephone or email. Meetings of the Council and Planning Commission will be held remotely via zoom. Links for attendance can be requested by emailing City Hall.
Garbage will be at least one day late this week due to snow
Check Pride’s website for updates.
Public Notice of Tree Removal Application for 17135 Rivendell
Public Notice of tree removal application is located here.
Durham will be in “High Risk” category for Feb 12 – 25
Oregon Health Authority has this document that explains what it means to be in a “high risk” county.
Although essential functions are still being provided at City Hall, staff is taking immediate actions to limit person-to-person appearances. City Hall is closed to the public. The public is urged to access city services through telephone or email. Meetings of the Council and Planning Commission will be held remotely via zoom. Links for attendance can be requested by emailing City Hall.