Raffle winners are listed here
News and Events
Public Notice of Tree Removal Application for 7501 Findlay Road
Public Notice of tree removal application is located here.
Bulky Waste Day is May 1, 2021
Bulky Waste Day is set for May 1
Info on Covid Vaccines
Winter 2021 – City Newsletter
Coronavirus COVID-19 and vaccine information
The following resources may be helpful:
- Oregon residents who would like more information on COVID-19 can call 211.
- Oregon Coronavirus State Response and Resource Page
- OHA Coronavirus page
- Governor Brown page on COVID-19
- Washington County Dept of Health and Human Services Covid and vaccine page
- CDC COVID-19 page
- World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 page
- Governor’s Executive Orders
- Washington County District Attorney page on COVID-19
- Child Abuse Hotline
- Schools: Oregon Department of Education
- Employment: Oregon Department of Employment
- Business: Business Oregon
Utilities Assistance
Food and Housing Assistance
- Governor Brown’s Executive Order 20-11: places a temporary moratorium on residential evictions for nonpayment in light of the public health emergency caused by the spread of coronavirus in Oregon. The order is effective for 90 days.
- Community Action.org
- Oregon Food Bank
- Meals on Wheels
Users of parks must strictly adhere to social distancing guidelines:
- People should not congregate in groups.
- Stay at least 6 feet away from non-family or household members.
- Stay home when sick.
Tualatin Police will deliver prescriptions to Durham residents
The Tualatin Police Department wants our community members to know about prescription delivery services available to you. During this time and importance of social distancing we understand many community members still have a need for critical medical prescriptions. The pharmacies located in Tualatin all have their own delivery services whether it be Script Drop from Fred Meyer and Safeway, Walgreens Express Delivery at Walgreens or the independent courier service at Northwest Compounders Pharmacy. Setting up delivery through your pharmacy will ensure you will still be able to obtain your needed medications.
We also want to let you know that Tualatin Police is ready to help if you are in need of a prescription and are not able to pick it up or have it delivered. If you make payment arrangements with your pharmacy and they agree to release the medication to the police on your behalf they will go to your local pharmacy, pick up your prescription and deliver it to you. You can contact The Tualatin Police Department at 503-691-4800 from 8:00AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday and a department member will facilitate the pickup and delivery of your prescription.
Have a news about a good deed you want to share?
Email stories/photos to: [email protected]
Interested in helping?
OPB had a nice article with suggestions
Public Notice of Tree Removal Application for 17300 and 17400 Upper Boones Ferry
Public Notice of Tree Removal Application is located here
How Long to Quarantine
Graphic explains how long quarantine is recommended
‘Tis the Season to Celebrate Safely
OPB has a nice article here.
Prowlers in the Durham Neighborhoods
Several residents have reported that night prowlers have been photographed on security cameras in the area. They are searching front porches for packages and other items of interest. Please contact the police with any information that you have and keep watch for any suspicious activity.
New CDC website with helpful information
The CDC has launched the How Right Now website for mental health, coping, and resiliency. It includes links to relevant resources (food banks, housing, job placement services), support lines, emotion/coping one-pagers, and a partner toolkit.
Air Quality
Fires in the area are causing air quality concerns. There is a DEQ monitoring station at Bridgeport Village. Please check this map and make your outside activity plans accordingly.
Do not flush wipes down the toilet
During these uncertain times with temporary shortages of personal hygiene products, such as toilet paper, individuals are turning to ‘flushable wipes.’ Unfortunately, these wipes are not truly flushable. Products such as wipes, paper towels, and personal hygiene products should not be flushed. These products do not break down the way toilet paper does in our sewers. These products tend to create clogs which can lead to sewer backups and costly repairs. Remember, the only things that should be flushed down a toilet are pee, poop and toilet paper.
Wood Stove Exchange
Washington County has a Wood Stove Exchange Program.
Talk to Your Kids About Fire and Life Safety
It’s that time again — when Durham students head back to class. And for many students, this may be the school year where they will be trusted to be home alone after school.
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue encourages parents and caregivers to review fire and life safety tips with them.
Talk to your kids about how and when to call 911 for police, fire, or medical assistance in the event of an emergency. Children should know their address, phone number, and your contact information so that they can provide the information to an emergency dispatcher.
It’s also a good idea to have phone numbers for family and neighbors posted on the refrigerator, near the phone, or on a designated bulletin board in the event kids need assistance but it’s not an emergency.
This is also a good time to set house rules on using the stove, oven, or microwave. Cooking is one of the leading causes of home fires. Most of the fires start on the stovetop due to food or oil being left unattended while being heated or items placed too close to the burners.
The following tips may help your child avoid a fire:
- Allow cooking privileges based on age and maturity. Consider allowing younger children to only use a microwave or oven to heat food (versus the stovetop). However, use caution when heating food due to the potential for burn injuries.
- If allowed to use the stovetop, never leave food (especially oil) unattended — even for a moment! Pre-teens and teenagers enjoy many activities that can cause them to be distracted and/or forget they’re cooking. Remind them to stay by the stovetop when cooking. If they need to leave the room, turn off the burner.
- Keep things that can burn or catch on fire such as potholders, dish towels, and food boxes away from the stovetop.
- Water and oil do not mix! Never throw water on a grease fire or try to move the flaming pan. Either action can cause the fire to spread or cause burns to a body.
- If a fire occurs, leave the home and call 911 from a cellphone or a neighbor’s home.
Other safety tips to share include:
- Never use matches, lighters, or candles. Keep these items away from children and remind them that they are not to be touched by anyone other than an adult.
- Know two escape routes from every room in the house. One of those could be a window. Create and practice a home fire escape plan.
- Do not place items that can burn such as clothes, blankets, or scarves over a lamp or near a heater.
- Do not play with or overload electrical cords, and do not insert anything other than a plug into an electrical socket.
- Never mix cleaning products together. Each product has a job to do, but together could cause harm, off-gassing, or an explosion.
- Know where first-aid supplies are located. Consider signing up older children for a first-aid, home alone, babysitting, and/or CPR class.
For additional fire and life safety information, visit www.tvfr.com.
Southwest Corridor Light Rail Project
Help Reduce Local Flooding
To help reduce localized flooding, the City encourages residents to clear leaves and other debris from storm drains near their property. Clearing leaves, limbs, and debris from the catch basins can help keep storm drains flowing at peak performance during wet weather.
If a blockage can’t be safely cleared and the roadway is flooding, call Clean Water Services at 503.681.3600. Remember, never remove a storm drain cover or attempt to clean a drain located in a busy street.
Put leaves and other yard debris in your yard waste bins for easy removal and recycling. Do not put leaves onto the street. Durham City Code prohibits blowing, sweeping, raking, or otherwise depositing debris onto sidewalks or streets. Prepare your home by making sure your gutters and downspouts are clear.